How to deal with Legal Issues While Starting a New Business?

Starting a new business is an exciting and ambitious venture, but it also comes with its fair are of challenges and uncertainties. One of the most significant concerns for entrepreneurs is the potential legal issues that can arise during the process. While these concerns are valid, they should not deter you from pursuing your dream… Continue reading How to deal with Legal Issues While Starting a New Business?

Navigating Uncertainty: Job Security and its legal implications in a Changing World

Introduction: In the modern workforce, job security is a topic that weighs heavily on the minds of employees and job seekers alike. Gone are the days of lifelong employment with a single company; today, uncertainty in job security is the new norm. Factors such as automation, economic fluctuations, and global crises have all contributed to… Continue reading Navigating Uncertainty: Job Security and its legal implications in a Changing World

Divorce and Mutual Consent Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide in India.

Introduction: Marriage is a sacred institution, but sometimes, circumstances arise that make it necessary for couples to consider separation. In India, there are legal avenues to navigate this challenging process. In this blog, we will explore the legal remedies available for separation from your marriage partner in India, including divorce, annulment, and legal separation. Divorce… Continue reading Divorce and Mutual Consent Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide in India.

Why Rate of divorce is increasing day by day? How rate of Increase in divorce is a matter of concern?

There are several factors that contribute to the increasing rate of divorce: 1. Changes in social norms: Attitudes towards marriage and divorce have changed over time, and divorce is no longer seen as a taboo or a stigma as it was in the past. This means that people are more likely to consider divorce as… Continue reading Why Rate of divorce is increasing day by day? How rate of Increase in divorce is a matter of concern?

Silent Wave of Gig Workers:

Engaging gig workers from a legal perspective can be complex and requires careful consideration. Here are some key legal issues to keep in mind when engaging gig workers: 1. Classification: One of the most significant legal issues surrounding gig workers is their classification as either employees or independent contractors. In general, employees are entitled to… Continue reading Silent Wave of Gig Workers:

Categorized as HR POLICY

Experiences that laid off employees may face:

1. Sudden job loss: Many employees who are laid off experience a sudden loss of income and stability. They may have been expecting to continue working and supporting themselves and their families, and the sudden loss of a job can be extremely challenging and disorienting.2. Financial stress: Laid off employees often face financial stress as… Continue reading Experiences that laid off employees may face:

How Indian laws protects the right of employees working in private companies?

The Indian legal system has various laws and regulations in place to protect the rights of employees working in private companies. Some of the major laws are: 1. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: This act provides for the resolution of industrial disputes between employers and employees, including grievances related to terms and conditions of employment,… Continue reading How Indian laws protects the right of employees working in private companies?

What are the important labour and employment laws in India to run a business?

Labour & Employment laws in India are predominantly categorised in following ways: (i) industrial relations, (ii) industrial safety and health, (iii) child and women labour, (iv) social security, (v) wages, (vi) labour welfare and (vi) Employment.  Some of the most important labour laws which are considered for setting up and operating a business in… Continue reading What are the important labour and employment laws in India to run a business?