How to deal with Legal Issues While Starting a New Business?

Starting a new business is an exciting and ambitious venture, but it also comes with its fair are of challenges and uncertainties. One of the most significant concerns for entrepreneurs is the potential legal issues that can arise during the process. While these concerns are valid, they should not deter you from pursuing your dream… Continue reading How to deal with Legal Issues While Starting a New Business?

How Indian laws protects the right of employees working in private companies?

The Indian legal system has various laws and regulations in place to protect the rights of employees working in private companies. Some of the major laws are: 1. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: This act provides for the resolution of industrial disputes between employers and employees, including grievances related to terms and conditions of employment,… Continue reading How Indian laws protects the right of employees working in private companies?

What are the important labour and employment laws in India to run a business?

Labour & Employment laws in India are predominantly categorised in following ways: (i) industrial relations, (ii) industrial safety and health, (iii) child and women labour, (iv) social security, (v) wages, (vi) labour welfare and (vi) Employment.  Some of the most important labour laws which are considered for setting up and operating a business in… Continue reading What are the important labour and employment laws in India to run a business?